John Fusco A Strong Voice
On the Issues

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John’s Doing Next
I believe In
Keeping Our Communities Safe
John Fusco will always defend, never defund, our courageous first responders and law enforcement officers who risk their lives for us. He even passed legislation to help first responders who are suffering from PTSD.
Maintaining Local Control
John Fusco strongly opposes state government control of important local issues such as education and zoning. He believes our parents and teachers know best when it comes to our kids and knows local governments make better zoning decisions than bureaucrats in Hartford. He also blocked efforts to shift teacher pensions onto towns and cities.
Rebuilding Our Economy
John Fusco is on a mission to build a business-friendly environment. He has a record of voting against tax increases that would hurt our families and local business owners. He also works hard to be a fiscally responsible leader and rein in wasteful government spending.